Established 2011

Travel with EF:
- Where will ZAP travel with EF?
Answer: To see all of the fascinating location where ZAP can travel with EF, click the following link:

- Was the tour with EF worthwhile?

Answer: To get firsthand recommendations, click the link (on right) to see what one parent and one student who attended ZAP's first tour had to say.

- Before I travel, what do I need to know?

Answer: Although EF has an extensive list of valuable tips, here a few to get you started: learn a few basic phrases in the language(s) that you will encounter (hello, goodbye, thank you, excuse me); identify a few places in the cities you will visit that you might want to see if you have extra time; sign-up for Facetime or Skype; exchange a few dollars into the currency that you will encounter on day one; plan on getting very little sleep the first day; and, take a deep breathe and enjoy, you are leaving on an amazing trip!
Contacting ZAP:
- The easiest way to get a hold of ZAP is via email: zephyrhillsambassadorsprogram@yahoo.com
- Call ZAP: (813) 794-6100 or (813) 494-1997
- Mail: Zephyrhills Ambassadors Program 6335 12th St. Zephyrhills, FL 33542ZAP
The ZAP Club at ZHS:
- Do I have to be a member of the ZAP club to travel?
Answer: The short answer is no. Specific details can be found in the Forms section above.​​

- ​What is the difference between ZAP and the ZAP Club of ZHS?
Answer: The ZAP Club is an local chapter of ZAP. Club membership is open to ZHS students only.​
​Opening the classroom to the World!
The Zephyrhills' Community Back-To-School Block Party
Who can attend the Back- To-School event?
Answer: The event is opened to all school-aged students and families who attend one of the seven feeder-pattern schools: Centennial Elementary, Chester W. Taylor Elementary, West Zephyrhills Elementary, Woodland Elementary, Raymond B. Stewart Middle, Centennial Middle School or Zephyrhills High School.
How do I pickup the school supplies?
Answer: The student must be present to pickup their supplies; one backpack per eligible, school-aged student. Families are encouraged to register with the Samaritan Project of Zephyrhills (see link to the right).
Where is the Block Party being held?
Answer: The block party is held in the Zephyrhills High School auditorium beginning at 8:00 AM. This year there will be a pancake breakfast beginning at 7:00 AM in the school’s cafeteria.
How can my business or organization participate in the event?
Answer: The Block Party is opened to local businesses and organizations that support educational programs at the feeder-pattern schools. Because of limited space, ZAP reserves the right to limit the number of organizations. Please check out the sponsorship link (see right)

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